Prep them well for VCE

Chaplaincy at Overnewton


Photo caption reads:  Senior Chaplain, The Rev'd. Dr. Theo van der Nest (OStJ) *to be inserted on RHS of page with picture above it*

The Overnewton chaplaincy is available to any members of the Overnewton-faith community, present and past, in relation to organising visit to the school, for pastoral care in terms of daily Christian life, baptisms, confirmations and funerals of people connected to the Overnewton Anglican Community College faith-school community.

An appointment with Senior Chaplain, Rev'd. Dr. Theo van der Nestcan be made by calling the Chaplain at (03) 9334 0131 or via email. 

Chaplaincy at Overnewton is about caring for people, listening to them, being there for them and walking beside them on their life’s journey, both at milestones and in the quiet spaces in between. Our Senior Chaplain is involved with different facets of the life of the College including a mix of teaching and pastoral care, and the enhancement of Anglican Ethos, Mission and Spirituality and the Liturgical life of the school. 

In support of Overnewton’s vision, the chaplaincy exists to support the College Values of Community, Respect, Learning and Excellence which correspond with the Five Marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion which are:

  1. To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom;
  2. To teach, baptise and nurture new believers;
  3. To respond to human need by loving service;
  4. To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation; and
  5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth

Placed next to each other, we can see that the integration and interconnectedness of intellectual development, religious faith and personal growth is central to the philosophy of education with a distinct Anglican heritage as it synthesises faith, life and culture.  This synthesis involves the integration of religious meaning with a person's way of living and is considered by many necessary if a person’s faith is to mature.