Prep them well for VCE

Chaplaincy - Chapel Services

Chapel Divine Eucharistic Services

During these services students are invited to receive Holy Communion (Eucharist) or come forward for a blessing. Any student who is baptised is welcome to receive Holy Communion. Students who have not been baptised are encouraged to come forward for a blessing.

Like most Anglican Churches (and other similar churches) our worship is centered on the celebration of the Eucharist. Eucharist is a Greek word meaning ‘thanksgiving’. We get this from the opening of words of the Great Thanksgiving prayer “Let us give thanks (Eucharista) to the Lord our God”. The Eucharist is one of the key Sacraments of the Church expressly mandated by Jesus to do “in remembrance” of him.

In celebrating the Eucharist we remember Jesus’ life and the promise of God bring all people into God’s Kingdom. Through Jesus’ life, passion, death, resurrection and ascension, St Paul tells us that nothing can separate us from God.

Receiving Holy Communion is a deeply personal matter and students are encouraged to discuss their wish to share in Holy Communion with their parents/caregivers students.  If support is needed, the chaplain may be contacted.  For some students receiving the consecrated elements is part of their normal church practice.  Other comes from churches which do not routinely practice the receiving of Communion.

The Eucharist is a Christian Sacrament and therefore belongs to members of the Christion church. The Church universal agrees that Baptism is the Sacrament of initiation to the Church. Therefore, those that are Baptised, are able to receive the Sacraments of the Church, including Communion.

Parental/Caregiver Support

Parents and caregivers are encouraged to discuss their child’s involvement in our regular Chapel services with their children. Any baptised student is welcome to receive Holy Communion.

Some parents may come from a tradition where children are normally admitted to Communion (have their first Communion) or are Confirmed prior to taking Communion. If this is the case, admission to Communion can be arranged at any time during the year. Confirmation usually takes place during the visit of our Bishop. Children who want to be admitted to Communion or Confirmed will be invited to attend preparation classes.   

For more information, please complete this online form  

The Liturgical (Church) Year

The Life of Jesus Christ

The Anglican Church is a Liturgical Church. This means that our worship is based around Sacraments of the Church (e.g. Holy Communion, Baptism, Confirmation etc.). It also means that our worship or church services are based around the ‘seasons’ of the Church’s Year. Advent (purple) is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah (God’s anointed one). Christmas (white) is a celebration of the birth of the Messiah (Jesus). Epiphany (white) celebrates the revelation of God’s incarnation in Jesus. Lent (purple or lent array) is time of repentance. Holy Week (red) passion and death of Jesus. Easter (white) celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. Ascension (white) Jesus’ ascension in to heaven. Pentecost (red) the coming of the Holy Spirit and birth of the Church). 

The Story of the People of God

During ‘Ordinary time’ (green) we also celebrate the lives of significant people and events of Christianity. During these days remember, for example, the contribution of St Paul to the Church. Paul was a Jewish leader who persecuted Christians but was converted to Christianity after he encountered Jesus after Jesus’ resurrection.

You will notice that the priest, minister and servers will wear different colours according to the season or particular saint or event we are celebrating that day. 

 Story of Jesus


 Ecumenism is the coming together for dialogue with other Christian world communions is one of the key ways that the Anglican Communion works towards Christian unity. To see what communities the Anglican Church is in dialogue with follow Anglican Ecumenism Dialogue Partners

Inter-Religious Dialogue

Most of the world’s population identifies with a religious group. With a presence in more than 165 countries around the world, Anglicans find themselves living alongside people of a variety of other faiths.  Building mutual understanding is crucial.  Click on this link to see updated news regarding Inter-Religious Dialogue between the Anglican Communion and Jewish and Muslim faith communities.