Prep them well for VCE

Junior School - Prep to Year 4, Canowindra Campus

About the Junior SchoolsNicola Treacey Head of Junior School

The Junior School provides a supportive and caring environment in which children develop socially, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

The Overnewton Anglican Community College Junior School is located at our Canowindra Campus in Taylors Lakes. Our Junior School caters for students in Prep to Year 4 through a comprehensive and sequential curriculum. The expert Junior School educators foster students’ intellectual and emotional development with a differentiated, explicit and extensive educational program. Individual differences in learning are catered to and each student’s potential is nurtured and developed.

The Junior School provides a firm grounding in English, Mathematics and Cross Curricular Learning opportunities. The curriculum is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant for all learners. It provides opportunities for students to build meaning and refine understanding, principally through both an explicit and inquiry approach to teaching and learning.

The Junior School endeavours to support students to become active empowered learners who are global innovative thinkers and initiative to carry students through life to become truly educated people. The skills of ethical and global competency are enhanced to provide students with the knowledge and skills to understand the world in which they live in.

The Australian Curriculum forms the basis of curriculum development and lays the foundation of future learning for Junior School students. Achievement standards and outcomes outline the essential learning elements for students as they progress through school. View the Junior School Curriculum for full details.

The link between home and school is an extremely important element of life at Overnewton. The Junior School community involves parents, students and teachers working together in partnership to ensure each student reaches their full potential.

The Junior School teachers specialise in the needs of young students from Prep to Year 4. Academic achievement and emotional, social and spiritual development are all important aspects of student progress at Overnewton. Staff utilise opportunities to encourage and support the students to develop additional attitudinal dispositions and take genuine action that makes it possible to interact respectfully and productively within the world in which they live. 

Students are supported and extended in a variety of ways within the classroom. English and Mathematics are recognised as the key foundations of learning which are essential for success. At each year level the class teacher provides intensive and explicit instruction to ensure students are prepared for future economic and social prospering.

The College employs qualified Learning Development and Support teachers to formally assess student progress and to provide advice, guidance and instruction in relation to individual needs. These teachers work collaboratively with the Home Group teacher and parents in developing and implementing a complementary educational program for students. Class sizes are capped at 24 students per class.

The College Head of Talent and Potential supports the identification and tracking of High Potential Learners. The Head of Talent and Potential works in conjunction with the Home Group teacher to provide a differentiated program of enrichment and extension for identified students.

Classroom assistance is an important part of the Junior School. It is popular with parents who wish to be involved in their children’s education whilst at the same time fulfilling their 12 Hour Family Involvement. Parents assist in programs such as Reading, Literacy activities, Art, Mathematics, Science, Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) and Physical Education.

Students are involved in Chapel services and Assemblies which are central to Junior School life. We welcome parents to attend these events as an important part of our community.

iPads: 21st Century Learning

At Overnewton, our priority is to provide our students with the best possible learning opportunities. We continue to respond and evolve to ongoing research and best practice in order to prepare students for a future beyond the College. To successfully participate as 21st century citizens, competence in the use of ICT with the flexibility to adapt to ongoing changes to technology is essential. (MCEETYA 2008)

In Year P-2, class sets of iPads are available student use at various times throughout the day. In Years 3 and 4, students bring their own iPad to school on a daily basis for regular use within the classroom.

The use of iPads in the Junior School is transforming learning. It encourages students to justify and explain their thinking, capture their learning in different ways and establish reflective feedback culture. The ability to personalise student learning, by following them to access and use apps of their choice to present their understandings, has enable students to completely own their learning experience and altered the learning process itself.

Pastoral Program: Respectful Relationships

The restorative practices adopted at Overnewton are based on restorative justice principles. They aim to build classroom communities that are supported by clear agreements, authentic communication, and specific tools to bring issues and conflicts forward in a helpful way. In addition to serving the cause of fairness and justice, restorative approaches contribute to social and emotional learning.

As the basis of our Values Education program, restorative practices enable both reactive and proactive strategies.  

Proactive: An essential component of this proactive approach is the practice of restorative circles in classrooms which aim to build community and teach restorative concepts and skills.

 Reactive: They provide specific pathways to repair harm by bringing students together in dialogue to address concerns, achieve understanding, and come to agreement about setting things right.

Circle Time brings together teacher and students in an atmosphere of co-operation. It is a time set aside for classroom communities to sit in a circle and take part in games and activities designed to increase self awareness, awareness of others, self esteem, co-operation, trust and listening skills. This approach assists everyone to understand what is important to them and their friends. Students become more able to express their feelings and it encourages greater acceptance and understanding of diversity. As students learn more about themselves and each other, a warm and supportive group atmosphere is built, along with improved relationships.

Student wellbeing is an integral part of the College with School Counsellors and Chaplains located at both Canowindra Campus and Yirramboi Campus. School Counsellors are primarily concerned with the health and wellbeing of students who may need additional support at any given time and form part of the Student Services department along with the College nurses.

Student Leadership: Growing our Future Leaders

Leadership is encouraged at all levels within the College. Each Junior School has a monitor system where students are allocated various responsibilities, teaching them the foundation elements of future leadership.

At Year 4, two Junior School Captains and two Vice Captains are elected. These students write applications for the position, present to their peers and teachers and take part in an interview process. The successful applicants become a central part of the Junior School and lead Assemblies and represent the College at official events

House Captains are also elected, to represent the four College Houses. These students take on a range of responsibilities within the school.

Elected Year 4 students form a Student Representative Council (SRC) which meets regularly with the Deputy Head of Junior School and takes on various roles within the Junior School and College. The students within each SRC are provided with specific leadership training and have the opportunity to work with the College Student Executives throughout the year.

Year 4 students are all considered leaders and take on the nurturing role of ‘buddy’ with a Prep student.

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