In the Junior School, we endeavour to develop the potential of all students to participate and contribute in their community and the contemporary world. It is with this in mind, that we utilise an Inquiry-based learning approach to incorporate the cross curriculum areas of History, Science, Health, Geography, Civics and Citizenships and The Arts.
Inquiry-based learning encourages students to become investigative learners who have the ability to reflect on what they have learned and how they have been involved in the learning process. The very nature of Inquiry learning encourages students to extend their own thinking with open ended problems often engaging the use of higher order thinking skills.
The Inquiry Learning approach offers students a curriculum that is engaging, relevant, challenging and significant. Overnewton teachers use this approach to plan and develop units of work in each year level from Prep to Year 4. The inquiry approach follows the set structure of; Tuning In, Finding Out, Sorting Out, Going Further, Drawing Conclusions and Reflecting and Acting. This structure leads students to actively pose questions, investigate, solve problems, and draw conclusions about the world around them.
The themes of each inquiry identify areas of shared human experience and have meaning for individuals from different cultures and ethnicities. These themes are common ground that unifies learning. They provide opportunities to incorporate both local and global issues.
Students inquire into and learn about local and global issues in the context of units of inquiry, each of which addresses a particular theme. The students make connections and contributions, and deepen their understanding through the perspective of their personal and cultural experiences.
Inquiry themes include;
Through the inquiry approach at Overnewton, our student will;