Yirramboi Campus at Keilor, opened in 1987 in direct response to community need for accessible quality education inthe north west of Melbourne. The second campus, Canowindra at Taylors Lakes, opened in 1996.
Our VCE results are particularly pleasing when we consider that Overnewton encourages all students to complete the VCE regardless of their academic ability. See VCE Results. Overnewton participates in the NAPLAN tests and results can be viewed here.
The College is organised into Junior School (Preparatory – Year 4, Canowindra Campus), Middle School (Years 5 - 8, Yirramboi Campus), Year 9 (Canowindra Campus), and Senior School (Years 10 - 12, Yirramboi Campus). Each School has its own Head of School. The structure gives a small school community intimacy to the entire College and is supported by our large school facilities, large VCE subject choice and support services. The College is a safe, happy, ordered environment in which disciplined behaviour is a natural outcome of motivated students, engaging and demanding programs and excellent pastoral care systems.
View Junior School, Middle School, Year 9 Centre, Senior School.
The College has a Chaplain and every child attends Chapel once a week. Christian festivals are celebrated, Christian values are promoted and active faith is encouraged. Religious Studies is taught from Preparatory Year to Year 11.
To allow access to our education, the College maintains affordable fees with State and Commonwealth Government funding providing the balance.
Recognising that education is a partnership, the College seeks high parental involvement and each family contributes 12 hours of service to the College per term. There are many parent working groups helping in areas such as classroom assistance, gardening, photocopying, catering, canteens and the annual fair. There are regular working bees at each campus. The parental involvement is a key to the success of a student's experience in the College. Students attend the College knowing they have the complete support and commitment of their parents behind them. See Our Community