The Senior School program does not include camps as part of the course structure. Some subjects may involve trips and overnight stays or outdoor camping as part of the curriculum requirement (such as Outdoor Education and VCE Physical Education).
At the conclusion of each academic year, the leaders for the following year attend a two-day Leadership Training Camp. This involves the College Student Executive and House Leaders.
Year 11 students get a chance to visit New Zealand and experience some of the culture and sites of our nearest neighbours. This is an adventure-packed break with things such as skiing, jet boating, glacier hiking as well as cultural dance and history experiences. Held during the midyear break, students in Year 12 cannot attend due to practise exams being held over the break. Year 11 students studying VCE Unit 3 & 4 subjects must check that their practice exam doesn't clash with the tour dates.
Interested students should notify their Home Group Teacher as soon as possible. The trip is subject to numbers.
Students under teacher supervision journey to the Big Apple to experience Broadway and audition workshops. Then back to LA to take in Hollywood, backstage tours of Universal Studios and a performance class in Disneyland.
The trip is aimed at Performing Arts students but open to other interested students as well and is held over the Term 1 break.
The trip is offered every three years, with the next trip to take place in 2025.